The Unmasked Truth

5/22/20233 min read

Hello! Welcome to the Unmasked Truth! This blog is dedicated to the truth and what some people may consider to be unpopular or flat out too afraid to say.

Recently, within the past few years, things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. Incompetence at all levels of government have exacerbated the American people. Higher cost of living, higher fuel prices, higher home costs, higher crime rates, rises in mental health issues, inflation, wars in other parts of the world, the constant bombardment of homosexuality and transgenderism, massive layoffs (a result of incompetent leaders within corporations) the introduction of ESG and DEI, possible financial collapse, the list goes on. All of this is the direct result of morons who shouldn’t be in positions of power. At least that’s what I hope. If it isn’t incompetence it’s flat out evil. Sadly that’s a very real possibility.

This blog looks to highlight everything currently happening in our country and in some cases things happening around the world. I believe that we have an obligation to speak about all this. Many people however seem to think otherwise. Many people would prefer that we just sit down and shut up. They think we should just take all the abuse that’s being handed to us by our “leaders” and deal with just being good peasants. Those same people that tell us that we’ll own nothing and be happy about it. They’re the ones who want us to be good little boys and girls and accept our new masters.

Unfortunately for them however, that’s not how this works. That’s not how America works. Although there is a large body of people who are too afraid to say anything and are too afraid to fight back, there still remain people who are not only willing to speak up but they’re willing to do something about it. I am one of those people.

In today’s world, we’re all caught in this battle; in this culture war. This war however is unlike anything we’ve ever faced before in the past. Due to the rise in technology, this war we face today is a war of information. The ones that choose to fight and engage in this war are soldiers that when it’s all said and done will literally determine if we remain free people or slaves to the new world order looking to take over our lives. And no, that’s not hyperbole or an exaggeration. As our moron of a president Joe would say, “ no joke, man.”

I’ve spoken with many people on what we can do to fight the good fight and keep these evil people from turning us into slaves and forcing their perversion on us. It starts by creating a counter culture. That’s pretty ironic considering that the counterculture we’re starting is normal culture from 10 years ago. Today’s culture has become so crazy though that we need every normal person left to engage in the fight. By fight I mean engaging in spreading truth just the way I am now. I’m not advocating for any type of violence, of course. That’s what the powers that be want. They want us to become violent so that they can use that as an excuse to limit our rights and completely enslave us for “safety” and for our “democracy”. No, there’s a way to win this and it starts by changing the minds and hearts of millions of people. Some people are completely lost. There’s nothing that neither you or I or anyone for that matter can do for those people. By my estimate I’d say those people are about a third of the population in the US. Maybe, hopefully, less than that.

The others however, those of us who are normal and only want to live our lives in peace with our family and friends, we’re the ones who now have to take on this burden. This isn’t anything new however. It’s just our turn. Welcome to The Unmasked Truth.